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Conflict Management  Training 

Our comprehensive Conflict Management Program equips health and social care professionals with the confidence and skills to engage with families/caregivers and patients. 
Compassionate communication is as important as clinical expertise, but many health and social care professionals have not received any formal training to help them deal with difficult and complex conversations. MMF’s tailor-made training for staff in paediatric settings is supported by research and provides professionals with the skills and confidence to listen, to identify and to deal with conflict when it arises.

Conflict Management  Training 

Our comprehensive Conflict Management Program equips health and social care professionals with the confidence and skills to engage with families/caregivers and patients. 
Compassionate communication is as important as clinical expertise, but many health and social care professionals have not received any formal training to help them deal with difficult and complex conversations. MMF’s tailor-made training for staff in paediatric settings is supported by research and provides professionals with the skills and confidence to listen, to identify and to deal with conflict when it arises.

We can help your team to:


Recognise conflict early and intervene to prevent escalation


Understand individual conflict styles and learn how to interact with others


Feel confident in dealing with difficult conversations


Develop a culture of compassionate communication


Explore our levels of training

We'll help you progress through the levels of conflict resolution.

Level 1

Essential toolkit for recognising and understanding conflict

Level 2

Managing conflict as a team

Level 3

Embedding the MMF Framework throughout your organisation
Get in touch

Book a face to face workshop

We offer bespoke sessions for teams and organisations at all levels of our Conflict Management Program.

Sessions can be delivered face to face or online and are facilitated  by our experienced faculty of health educators.

The evidence base for our program is from  peer-reviewed research conducted in paediatric healthcare settings in Australia, New Zealand and the UK. We can also deliver our training to staff working in other sectors such as  adult, disability and aged care,  nuancing the content as required.

We would love to hear from you if you think you or your team could benefit.
Please contact us to discuss options.
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If you want to get started straightaway, our E-learning option, the Green Zone Course, is available now. Please click below for further information, including tiered pricing options and discounts for CHA members
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Where does the Green Zone Course fit into the MMF Conflict Management Program?

The  E-Learning course is our standalone essential toolkit for conflict management in paediatric healthcare settings. 

While the Green Zone Course does not cover all of the content of our Level 1 in-person workshops, it works particularly well as an accessible and affordable alternative.  It is an excellent option where an organisation wants to embed an understanding of conflict management across their broader workforce or where staff are geographically dispersed/in remote locations.

For further information about our E-learning initiative and where it fits into our broader conflict management program please go to our dedicated
Green Zone Course page.